Todays Special : Chicken varuval / Chicken 65

                                                Chicken varuval / Chicken 65

Take a fresh vessel with fresh water , clean the chicken pieces in the same thoroughly.

Add 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder to it and spread it well.

keep it  separately for 5 mins of time .

Now ,Add the (Ready made) chicken 65 masala to the above chicken pieces and spread well .

Allow it for another 5mins of time ,so that the paste well mixed with the chicken piece.

Take a fresh pan ,pour some oil in a way that the chicken should well immersed in the oil for frying .

Once the oil is heated , add the chicken pieces in numberings ( 4 to 5 pieces periodically at a time) and fry it well till the chicken pieces turns reddish in colour.

Thus your Chicken varuval /Chicken 65 is ready.

To add more taste you can add curd to the chicken after you have mixed the chicken with turmeric .

Needed Item: Chicken -250 g, Chicken masala - 50 g ,Oil - 250 ml ,Turmeric powder - 2 Teaspoon, Curd (optional)- 2 to 3 tea spoon .


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